Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cleaning Tips

So as I look closely at my wedding ring today I realized how dirty it really was. Usually the place you buy the ring from will clean it for free...to bad we bought it in Ogden. Anyways, I always remembered my mom using a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean hers. So I tried it and it amazing! My diamond is so shiny now. It looks really nice. I'm not saying to never have it professionally cleaned, but this would work between visits. Try it, but I would recommend not using the toothbrush you brush your teeth with :)

Another quick and easy tip is to use hydrogen peroxide to get blood stains out of your clothes. As for burying the body...you are on your own there....just kidding. I always have blood on my white shirts for some reason. Ryan has bumped his mouth a few times and makes it bleed. Then he always wants to lay on my shoulder and bleed all over me. The joys of motherhood. I also have a very bad habit of pulling my hang nails off and making my fingers bleed. Disgusting, I know. But I always end up brushing my finger on my shirt or something before I can get a tissue or something. Needless to say, blood and my clothes are quite familiar with each other.

I hope these tips are helpful...now if you'll excuse me I need to go buy some more hydrogen peroxide :)


  1. I never wear white when I bury bodies, does peroxide work on colored clothes too?

  2. :O) Steven and I were just talking about what was used to clean your ring. He said that it was toothpaste but wasn't sure. So I thought I'd wait but now since you said toothpaste too i'll do it :O) I just love your blog.
